Photos Courtesy of
Captain (Retired LTC) Tom Newsham

The 8 photos immediately below were taken, with the exception of the 8th photo, at the 1st Platoon, B Company land clearing site which was NNW of Dong Tam and adjacent to the Kinh (canal) Xang during March 1969

WEB-TNNewsham.jpg (42934 bytes)   WEB-TNJeeps.jpg (41338 bytes)   WEB-TNCobra.jpg (15195 bytes)   WEB-TNTrack.jpg (26070 bytes)
1 - Captain Tom Newsham, B Company CO and a B Company PLT Sergeant
2 - Jeeps and drivers from B Company - Mike Atteberry, CPT Newsham's driver, on the right

Photos 1 and 2 were taken at the 1st platoon land clearing site a few days prior to the ambush 3/69

3 - Cobra gunship starting another pass at the VC who set an ambush (3/69) from across the Kinh (canal) Xang. The dark smudge in the right of the photo is the smoke resulting from other Cobra passes
4 - Unknown track (Arty Duster?)

WEB-TNUnknown.jpg (31276 bytes)   WEB-TND7E.jpg (25684 bytes)   WEB-TNPreparingToComeIn.jpg (83972 bytes)   Web-TNRocketDamage.jpg (22975 bytes)
1 - Captain Newsham and an unknown E5
2 - D7E dozer that was hit by RPG (punched a hole completely through the engine block) during ambush along the Kinh Xang
3 - Preparing to return to Dong Tam after the ambush - Lt. Richard Coogan in foreground. SGT Roy  Chaney may be the soldier in the background
4 - Division G1 office, December 1968

WEB-TNFlame-APC.jpg (35953 bytes)   WEB-TNGeneral's-Mess-10-68.jpg (28055 bytes)   WEB-TNNCR-500-Bunker.jpg (41966 bytes)
1 - Flame APC helping to clear booby-traps and discarded ammo during land clearing operation shown above, 3/69
2 - General Officer's Mess (Dong Tam) built by B Company, 10/68
3 - NCR 500 Bunker was completed and a few days after this photo was taken the bunker took a direct hit on the roof and the vans inside were fried, 12/68

WEB-TNNewsham-Atteberry-Maz.jpg (39750 bytes)   WEB-TNNewsham-Atteberry---S.jpg (47941 bytes)   WEB-TN-B-Company-NCOs-and-O.jpg (42161 bytes)   WEB-TN-B-Company-Awards-Cer.jpg (35760 bytes)
1 - Captain Tom Newsham, Mike Atteberry and 1LT Mazurak in Saigon, 12/68
2 - CPT Newsham and Mike Atteberry in Saigon, 12/68
3 - B Company officers and NCOs. FRONT ROW: 1st SGT Blakely and CPT Newsham. SECOND ROW: 1LT Fred B. King, Jr., unkn PLT SGT, 1LT Mazurak, unkn PLT SGT, 1LT Combs, unkn PLT SGT, 12/68
4 - B Company awards ceremony. 1st SGT Blakely and CPT Newsham with backs to the camera, 2/69

To view additional photos from Tom click here
Included are numerous photos of the aftermath of the 26 March 1969 main ammo dump explosions, the 9th ID Sniper Range built by B
Company, photos taken during mine sweep, recovery of a single engine plane that crashed in the jungle and more

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